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Benjamin J Sperry
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Circular Maturity Test
Frequently asked questions
How familiar are you with the concept of circular economy?
Very familiar.
Somewhat familiar.
Not very familiar.
Not at all familiar.
How would you define a circular economy?
A system focused on continuous growth and resource extraction, to provide continuous growth of economy.
An economy approach with high emphasis on recycling and waste reduction.
A model of production and consumption, which involves sharing, leasing, reusing, repairing, refurbishing and recycling existing materials and products as long as possible.
A concept which insists on the importance of selling services rather than products, proving new business models to existing value chains.
What is the aim of circular economy?
Increase production volume by increasing material extraction.
Help entrepreneurs promote their economic growth.
To offer the market a new business model that promotes sustainable consumption.
To promote more sustainable product design, reduce waste and empower consumers.
Do you think implementing circular economy practices is important?
Extremely important.
Somewhat important.
Not very important.
Not important at all.
Why is the circular economy is important for the environment?
Reusing and recycling products would slow down the use of natural resources, reduce landscape and habitat disruption and help to limit biodiversity loss.
It gives us the tools to tackle climate change and biodiversity loss together, while addressing important social needs.
It promotes sustainable resource management and a reduction in total annual greenhouse gas emissions.
It has no impact on environmental conservation.
Why is waste important topic in circular economy?
In a circular economy, products and materials are kept in circulation through processes like maintenance, reuse, refurbishment, remanufacture, recycling, and composting.
Materials such as technical materials - fossil fuels, plastics and metals have limited availability and cannot be easily recreated.
Reusing waste does have an important role in preserving nature and the environment as long as resources are available.
Because resources are conserved and waste is minimised through strategies like recycling, reusing, and repurposing. It is a system designed to be regenerative and sustainable, prioritising the long-term well-being of our planet.
How familiar are you with the concept of value chain?
Very familiar.
Somewhat familiar.
Not very familiar.
Not at all familiar.
Why do you think concept of value chain is important in circular economy?
Value chains are not of great importance for the development of business models integrating the circular economy concept. The analysis of these operations complicates the management of production processes.
The idea of value chain changes are needed in order to close the loop or maintain everything in chain as in circle.
The circular economy transition along global value chains provides levers that can curb raw material use, preserve biodiversity, and reduce waste.
Contributing to the circular economy value chain means actively participating in a system that aims to minimize resource consumption, waste generation, and environmental impact while maximizing the efficient use and reuse of materials through their lifecy
Which of the Circular Business Models are you familiar with? Multiple answers are possible.
Recycling model.
Refurbishment model.
Remanufacturing model.
Product-as-a-service (PaaS) model.
Biological Cycles model.
Resource Recovery model.
Industrial Symbiosis model.
Design for Durability or/and Longevity model.
Repurchasing of Goods model.
Equipment and Technology Sharing model.
Non above mentioned.
How familiar are you with the Product life cycle assessment?
Very familiar.
Somewhat familiar.
Not very familiar.
Not at all familiar.
Ho do you think what is Product life cycle assessment?
Life Cycle Assessment considers a product's full life cycle: from the extraction of resources, through production, use, and recycling, up to the disposal.
A framework that considers a holistic view of a product, process, or service from production through to consumption or use to end-of-life. It assesses the impact of the product, process, or service in environmental, economic, and social terms through the
A method that helps entrepreneurs to increase the volume of production by using as many resources as possible at all stages of its life cycle.
A scientific method that allows a comprehensive assessment of the product's impact on the environment, natural resources and human health.
What is ecological foot print?
A measure of an impact on the environment, including resource consumption, energy use, and the amount of emissions generated by the production of goods or services and captured during both production and usage.
A measure that indicates how much resources from the environment are required to support a specific life or business. The ecological footprint indicates the amount of pressure that humans put on the natural resources available to them.
A measure showing how much nature we have (our biocapacity) versus how much nature we use.
A meter that determines how much living space we consume during our lifetime and how many footsteps we make every day.
Which of the circular economy model stages and product life cycles determinates the 80% of the products life cycle and environmental impact?
Design stage.
Production stage.
Distribution stage.
Consumption stage.
What principles of circular design do you know? Multiple answers are possible.
Design to reuse.
Design to repair.
Design for disassembly/modularity.
Design for the essential.
Design for regeneration.
Design with unwanted resource.
Design to optimize.
Design for material recovery.
Design for access.
Design for multifunctionality.
Design for compost.
Design for longevity.
Design for rent.
Non above mentioned.
Have you personally participated in any circular economy-related projects?
Yes, multiple times.
Yes, once.
No, never.
Not applicable.
In your opinion, which area of circular economy implementation is the most crucial to focus on?
Resource optimization.
Waste reduction.
Product lifecycle extension.
Design for recyclability.
What role do consumers play in advancing the circular economy?
Passive role with no influence on sustainability.
Active participants driving demand for eco-friendly products.
Consumers matter a lot because they vote with their money for their choices.
Consumers are not aware of their influence.